Hey everyone! It's been a hell of a long time since I posted anything on here, but since I'm in college, I've got a lot of down time. Anyways... For those of you who don't already know, I lost all of my old work due to an external hard drive crash! Shit sucks, I know. But hey, life has to kick you in the balls every once in a while. I'm really getting back into the swing of things and building an even better portfolio now than I've ever had before! Enjoy the photos!
Oh, and tell your friends that I'd love to take their photos for a small amount of moolah! ;)
What an epic week! I haven't taken this many photos in real long time. These are just a couple pictures from a late night warehouse session we had the other night. Enjoy!
Oh, and peep this. Tyler Rullo & Tristan Sadler are doing this sweet project called "What Coast". It's definitely worth checking out.